I’m currently in an engineering grad program, but my undergrad degree is in a science. I occasionally feel like I stick out because I am female, but more often I feel like I don’t quite have the right “engineer” personality. I have been around quite a few engineers over the years, so I do have ideas about what engineers are like!
… know how to use power tools
… do woodworking
… make elaborate electronic devices, for fun
… do their own car repair
… invent things
… have real jobs where they are paid to build things and keep them running
… are comfortable in suits
… drink a lot of beer
Yeah, so I’ve done pretty much none of that. I was thinking about this today as I fixed a chipped windshield, which is the first car repair I have ever done, and I did a damn good job if I do say so myself. Perhaps there is hope for me becoming a “real” engineer by the time I graduate.
4 weeks ago
I don't see any of that with the engineers I know.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can say for sure about engineers is that they all think they are smarter than everybody else (especially scientists).
But you go, girl! Good job fixing your windshield (see? I said it)!